Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

Guidelines for COBRA Athletes, Coaches and Parents

COBRA Athletes

Before Participation

After tryouts and before participation in practices or games, parents must complete and return the following forms:


Students must be in attendance in school on the day of a practice or game in order to participate in that practice or game. They must also be in school on the Friday preceding a weekend game/tournament that begins on Saturday.  Legitimate reasons for an absence, which would allow a student to participate on the same day as the absence, are:

  • School Sanctioned Activities
  • Appointments with health professionals
  • Emergency Situations
  • Planned absence for personal or educational purposes that have been approved by the school administration.

Legitimate reasons for absences must be communicated to the office in a timely manner. 

Students who are absent from classes for a portion of the day due to illness are not eligible to participate for the remainder of that day/weekend. 

Students must be in good standing in all classes. This means that they must be working diligently in class.  Students on all school teams must also ensure that their academic performance as well as their behavior in school and their attendance is at acceptable levels.  Furthermore, all course assignments must be complete and handed in and be considered up to date.

If a student is falling behind in their course studies, their teacher shall inform the Athletic Director. That student will receive one warning from the Coach or Athletic Director to get caught up on missing assignments. Failure to do so may result in one of the following consequences:

  • Suspension from practices, games, tournaments and all team activities until all assignments are completed and their mark is acceptable
  • Suspension from the team for the remainder of the season
  • Suspension from all FHS school sports activities for the remainder of the year

An athlete under suspension from school is also suspended from participation in extracurricular activities, until such time as the student has been reinstated to classes.

Playing Time

The FHS rep teams are competitive, and as such, coaches will determine playing time based on player’s ability, attitude, and effort. Coaches will endeavor to make decisions based on the best interest of the team and, in doing so, recognize that what is fair is not always equal.

On a “B” or JV team, the FHS coaches are encouraged to develop court sense and skills of the players by having players play as often as possible. This leads to a much more even distribution of playing time.


Student athletes are representatives and ambassadors of Fairview High School, the community of Fairview, and Peace River School Division.

Student athletes are expected to provide strong examples of leadership and citizenship both on and off the court/field of play, and both in and out of the classroom.

Team Before Self - Most sports are team games and although it is proper and even necessary to have personal objectives, it is paramount that each member of the Cobra’s team possesses an unselfish attitude where team objectives are primary.

Regardless of when or where an athletic event occurs, it is a school sponsored activity. The use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol is prohibited and shall be strictly enforced.

If a student athlete does not conduct him or herself in a manner that reflects favorably on the school, the privilege of participation may be suspended or revoked by a Coach, the Athletic Director, or Principal.


Injury is a possibility in all school sports. It is imperative that all student athletes provide to their coach their Alberta Health Care number so the emergency care the students may require be expedited.

It is also required that the student athlete or their parents indicate all medical conditions that could have an impact on the safety and wellbeing of the athlete while at practice or in a game situation.

Athletes will not be allowed to compete without having provided the Coach their Student Medical Information sheet.

Any student injured on or off the field of play, and requiring medical attention, must present a note from a physician indicating when it that student is eligible to return to play.


Being a member of any school team is a privilege, which each athlete must earn. A key to earning that privilege is commitment to the team. Team success can only be achieved if all participants are committed. This type of commitment includes;

  • Attendance at all practices, games, and team events.
  • Providing the coach with advance notice of absences from practices or games, and an explanation of that absence.

While it is acceptable for a student athlete to have a job, it is not reasonable to expect the coach to accept working as a legitimate reason for missing practice or a game.

Fairview High School Athletics Social Media Policy and Guidelines for Student Athletes

Student-athletes at Fairview High School are held in the high regard and are seen as role models in the community. As leaders you have the responsibility to portray your team, your family, your school and yourselves in a positive manner at all times. Sometimes this means doing things that are an inconvenience to you but benefit the whole team. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other social media sites have increased in popularity globally and are used by the majority of student athletes here at Fairview High School in one form or another. Student-athletes should be aware that third parties, including the media, faculty, and future employers, could easily access your profiles and view all personal information. This includes all pictures, videos, comments, and posts. Inappropriate material found by third parties affects the perception of the student-athlete, our athletic program and Fairview High School. This can also be detrimental to a student-athlete’s future college and employment options.

Examples of inappropriate and offensive behaviors concerning participation in online communities may include depictions or presentations of the following: 

  • Photos, videos, or comments criticizing the actions or behaviors Fairview High coaches or players. The proper course of action to being these concerns to light is to bring them to the attention of the coach or Athletic Director.    
  • Photos, videos, comments or posters showing the personal use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco e.g., no holding cups, cans, shot glasses etc.
  • Photos, videos, and comments that are of a sexual nature. This includes links to websites of a pornographic nature and other inappropriate material.
  • Pictures, videos, comments or posters that condone drug-related activity. This includes but is not limited to images that portray the personal use of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
  • Content online that is unsportsmanlike, derogatory, demeaning or threatening toward any other individual or entity (examples: derogatory comments regarding another school; taunting comments aimed at a student-athlete, coach or team at another school and derogatory comments against race and/or gender). No posts should depict or encourage unacceptable, violent, or illegal activities (examples: hazing, sexual harassment/assault, gambling, discrimination, fighting, vandalism, academic dishonesty, underage drinking, and illegal drug use).
  • Content online that would constitute a violation of Fairview High School rules.
  • Information that is sensitive or personal in nature or is proprietary to the athletic program or Fairview High School, which is not public information (examples: tentative or future team schedules, student athlete injuries and eligibility status, travel plans/itineraries or information).

Please keep the following recommendations in mind as you participate in social media websites:

  • Set your security settings so that only your friends can view your profile.
  • You should not post your email, home address, local address, telephone number(s), or other personal information as it could lead to unwanted attention, stalking, identity theft, etc.
  • Be aware of who you add as a friend to your site – many people are looking to take advantage of student-athletes or to seek connection with student-athletes.
  • Consider how the above behaviors can be reflected in all Facebook applications.

If you are ever in doubt of the appropriateness of your online public material, consider whether it upholds and positively reflects your own values and ethics as well as the athletic program and Fairview High School. Remember, always present a positive image and don’t do anything to embarrass yourself, the team, your family or Buford High School.

By signing below, you affirm that you understand the Fairview High School Athletic Department’s Social Media Policy and Guidelines for Student-Athletes and the requirements that you must adhere to as a Fairview High School student-athlete. Also, you affirm that failure to adhere to this policy and guidelines will subject you to disciplinary action, which may include suspension or permanent removal from the team.

Bullying and Cyber-Bullying (PRSD AP 350)

Fairview High is a place where students should be able to go to feel safe and secure. Therefore, the Cobra’s sports programs will not tolerate any form of bullying or cyber-bullying.
Bullying is defined as “an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.”

 Acts that will be considered bullying include:

 Any bullying that is witnessed by a staff member/coach, or has been shown to take place may result in the following punitive actions taken:

Any of the above actions can be applied at any time as warranted by the action triggering it, or multiple occurrences of the same offense as determined by the Coach, Athletic Director and/or Principal.


Hazing or negative initiation activities are considered to be an act of bullying and as such prohibited by Fairview High School. The planning, initiation of, or participation in such activities shall be dealt with under the behavioral expectation of Cobra’s Athletics and may lead to suspension or removal from a team and/or school.

The above Athlete Code of Conduct was created in accordance with the following PRSSD Administrative Procedures:

AP 146 Appropriate use of Social Media 

AP350 Student Conduct 

AP352 Student Harassment and Bullying

 AP 355 Student Discipline 

AP356 Alcohol, Restricted and Illicit Drug Use by Students 

COBRA Coaches

The following guidelines are to be considered a code of conduct for Fairview High coaching staff.

The Coach is foremost a teacher. The chief objectives of school athletics are to build leaders and to develop athletic skills. Winning games is secondary to these objectives. Coaches who do not make a positive contribution to the total educational process are not meeting their obligations.

Fairview High coaches are required to follow the "RULE OF TWO" when having one on one conversations with athletes. Following the Rule of Two means that any one-on-one interaction between a coach and an athlete, both on and off of the field of play, must take place within earshot and view of the second coach or the team, with the exception of medical emergencies. One of the coaches should be of the same gender as the athlete. 

The Coach should always be regular and prompt in meeting assignments – practices, games and meetings.

The Coach should be diligent in attention to routine details. This includes getting in all reports when due, keeping necessary records, phoning in results, and forwarding any receipts when required.

The Coach should instill in the team an attitude of sportsmanship on and off the court, during the game and afterwards, in school and out.

The Coach should use acceptable language at all times. Vulgarity and profanity have no place on the athletic field or court, in the gym or in the classroom.

The Coach shall not use alcohol or non-prescription drugs in any form while with the team.

The Coach should, when faced with unpredicted disciplinary situations, let the common law prevail. Situations are to be assessed on a rational basis.

The Coach should accept the responsibility as a counselor to the athletes under her/his direction. The coach is in a unique position among all teaching staff in the relationship with the students. Many students complete their high school program because of, on part, of their interest in athletic participation and the influence of the coach. In this way, the coach can play a major role in the problems now confronting high schools in drop-out rates and related issues.

The Coach should be mindful of their position of guardianship entrusted by the athletes and their parents. While acting as a counselor to the athletes, there must also be a necessary social separation, so that over-familiarity or impropriety does not occur or is not perceived to have occurred.

The Coach should work to instill with their players respect for the officials and establish that they alone shall discuss aspects of the game with the officials.

The Coach will respect the rights and feelings of other coaches and will never use tactics that take unfair advantage of others. The coach should be friendly and courteous at all times and never argue with an opposing coach in front of the team or spectators.

The Coach should teach the team to be respectful of and friendly towards opponents.

Coach EducationAll coaches for Fairview High, teacher, support staff or community coaches are required to complete the “Making Headway”, the "Safe Sport- Direct Athlete Contact" and "Understanding the Rule of Two" courses on Coach.caOne coach per High School team will be required to complete the “Bylaws and Policies of the ASAA” on least one individual in the school, most likely the Athletic Director, is required to complete the School Sport Coaching: Redefining Winning on

It is in the best interests of the student athletes to have coaches who are well trained. In support of this, coaches will be reimbursed (in whole or in part) for registration in approved professional development activities that are directly related to their coaching assignment. Approval will be made by the Athletic Director, in consultation with the Principal, and must be supported by receipts.

Team Selection

  • All activities are open to all students at Fairview High School who meet the requirements of grade, gender, and general eligibility.
  • Coaches must conduct an open tryout and may not make final cuts until after the second practice after the conclusion of the preceding activity. 
  • Final selections should be based on attitude, coachability, and skill.
  • Once the team has been selected, the coach must promptly submit a roster to the Athletic Director.


  • All practices will be scheduled by the Athletic Director.
  • Coaches should distribute a practice schedule to players and parents.
  • Coaches should do their utmost to adhere to the practice and game schedule, and any changes should go through the Athletic Director.
  • A change, addition, or cancellation to a game or practice should be made with as much advance notice as possible. Such changes may affect player and parent commitments and may have an effect on other teams.

The general guidelines for scheduling shall be as follows:

Junior High Volleyball & Basketball

  • 2 Practices per week
  • 1 League Play per week
  • 5 or 6 Tournaments per season

Senior High Volleyball & Basketball

  • 2 Practices per week, 3 when scheduling permits
  • 1 League Play per week
  • 6 Tournaments per season

Junior and Senior Badminton

  • 2 Practices per week
  • 3 or 4 Tournaments per season

Track and Field

  • 2 Practices per week
  • District and Zone Championships

Playing Time/Expectations

Fairview High participates in competitive tournaments. As such, there will be few, if any instances, where playing time for each player on the team will be equal. The amount of playing time may vary from game to game, or from week to week. Neither the player’s grade nor prior years of playing experience with Fairview High teams, will be a factor in determining playing time.

During the regular season, coaches are encouraged to consider the following recommendations for minimum playing time for athletes, but ultimately decisions regarding playing time shall be at the discretion of the coach.

Junior B ...............................................  approximately 50%

Junior A................................................  approximately 30%

Senior JV ..............................................approximately 40%

Senior Varsity........................................ approximately 20%

For league, zone, and provincial playoffs there are no recommendations.


Clear communication between coach and player, player and parent, parent and coach, and between players is critical to avoid misunderstanding. This communication can be initiated and maintained in a number of ways:

At the beginning of tryouts Coaches should provide a written statement of their philosophy, team goals, and player expectations.

  • Coaches should outline the process for communication. This process to apply to all parties and can be outlined for all in a letter. (See the sample under forms )
  • It is recommended that coaches use an application like TeamSnap or Teamlinkt to facilitate communication with players and parents. The athletic department will fund this.
  • Coaches must hold a pre-season meeting (See the sample under forms)

Sanctioned Absences and Early Dismissals

It is at times necessary for student athletes to be absent from classes, or to be released from the last class of the day prior to the end of the class. In these instances, coaches are required to provide notice to all school staff.

Teacher-coaches or teacher-liaisons may do so at their own initiative or request the Athletic Director to execute this task. Community based coaches shall inform the Athletic Director of the dates and times, and the Athletic Director shall be responsible to execute this task.

 The notice may take the form of a hard copy to be distributed to all staff members or an e-mail to all staff members. The notice should be provided as early as possible, and must contain the following; 

  • A list of all students involved
  • The date of the Sanctioned Absence
  • Periods involved
  • When appropriate, time of departure
  • The event.


The budget will be completed by the Athletic Director prior to the start of the season

Per Diem and Accommodation

The Athletic Director will include a $250 Accommodation and Mileage line in the budget that the coaches of a team can access. Hotels for coaches will be paid out of the registration fees collected for tournaments where the teams stay overnight. 

NCCP Code of Ethics

COBRA Parents

Parents are integral part of the Athletic Program at Fairview High. As a part of the FHS program, we ask that you agree to the following:

A COBRA Parent will: 

Conflict Resolution

As your son or daughter becomes involved in the sports programs at Fairview High School he/she will experience some of the most rewarding moments in their high school career. It is important to understand however that there will be times when things do not go the way you or your son/daughter wish. At these times, discussion with the coach is encouraged.

We ask that that parents follow the 24 hour rule:

Please wait 24 hours between the time of the incident that you are concerned about and contacting the coach to discuss the incident. 

If the incident is of an emergent nature, please contact the AD immediately. 

We ask that parents communicate with coaches by keeping the following points in mind when requesting a meeting with a coach:

These are appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:

It is difficult to accept your child’s not playing as much as you or they may hope. Coaches make judgment decisions based on what they believe to be the best for all students involved. While there are certain things that should be discussed with your child’s coach, however there are also certain things that should not be discussed. Those decisions will be left to the coach’s discretion.

These are issues not appropriate to discuss with coaches:


There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and the parent. These are to be encouraged but the following procedures should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue of concern: 

If you are not satisfied with the resolution of the meeting, the next steps are to: