Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

Fundraising & Uniforms/Equipment


Fairview High School may conduct fundraisers to help pay for sports activities. This fundraiser is determined by the Athletic Director with input from the Principal and other interested parties in the school.

One fundraiser that the team sports consistently participate in is the food booth that is run during tournaments at Fairview High. Players/parents are assigned items to donate to the food booth and to work a shift in the booth to serve the food. This shift could include cooking grilled cheese sandwiches, hotdogs and serving Taco-in-a-Bag, collecting money and keeping the food service area clean.

Individual teams may organize fundraisers to raise money that will be used to reduce the registration fee or pay for team gear. No team/activity shall participate in or organize any other fundraising event without the consent of the Athletic Department.

Uniforms and Equipment

Uniforms for team sports will be replaced on a regular basis. To accomplish this, replacement a $40 fee per year will be collected from all players on the volleyball and basketball teams. This money will be used to cover the cost of the uniforms first then the fundraising money for cover any shortfalls of this account.

All uniforms for the competitive teams will be provided by Fairview High School. Junior Varsity or non competitive Junior High teams may be asked to purchase a uniform shirt (about $40). The style of shirts will be used from year to year so that they may be used for more than one year, if necessary.

  • Uniforms will be distributed by the coach or Athletic Director, whichever is the most practical.
  • Players will be responsible for the care and maintenance of uniforms while they are in their possession.
  • Players will be responsible for the cost of replacement of any uniform damaged or lost while in their possession.
  • All uniforms are to be cold water washed and hang dried.

Teams may be provided equipment, specific to their activity. This equipment is owned by the school. This equipment shall be the responsibility of the coach or their designate. This equipment is provided for team use, and not for use by the Physical Education Department or public use. Equipment from the Physical Education department, such as badminton rackets, should not be used for team practices.

Teams will be supplied a First Aid Kit. The care and supervision of this kit is the coaches are responsibility. Refills for the kit will be provided by Fairview High School.