Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family


Athlete of the Year - Male and Female


  1. Grade 10, 11, or 12 students.
  2. Participated in a minimum of one extra-curricular activity, at the varsity level, listed below:
    • Golf
    • Cross Country
    • Volleyball
    • Basketball
    • Curling
    • Track and Field
  3. The athlete should have demonstrated an above average degree of athletic ability in all activities he or she participated in.
  4. The athlete should have “excelled” in one or more of those activities he or she participated in.
  5. The athlete should have demonstrated leadership abilities on and off the court, field, course, or rink which has made him or her a respected individual in the eyes of the staff, fellow athletes, and the student body in general.
  6. The athlete should have demonstrated athletic, personal, and sportsmanship abilities and qualities that have brought the pride and respect to himself/herself and Fairview High in the view of the community, opponents, and others (others referring to other schools, communities, administrators, and coaches).
  7. The athlete should demonstrate to all a desire to better him/herself through athletics at Fairview High.
  8. Above all, the athlete should be an example, or epitomize the type of athlete and individual who Fairview High School strives to develop through the sponsorship of extra-curricular athletics.

Selection Committee

Composition shall be as follows, with each person on the committee having one vote (no individual can receive more than one vote by virtue of filling more than one position on the selection committee):

  • Athletic Director (shall be responsible for the organization and conduct of all meetings, as well as the tabulation of votes)
  • Principal
  • Vice-Principal
  • All Physical Education Teachers
  • The staff coaches/supervisors of each of the activities.

Selection Process:

  1. Each head coach of a team will submit one or two individuals that they feel embody the criteria listed above to the Athletic Director
  2. The athletic director will compile and distribute these names to all on the selection committee, so that they are aware of individuals who meet the necessary criteria for this award (criteria #2).
  3. The Selection Committee will meet no later than June 15th to determine the Junior High and Senior High Male and Female Athletes of the Year.
  4. Individuals with perceived conflict of interest on the selection committee should excuse themselves from the discussion of this category.

Individual Team Awards

Individual team awards can be granted to individuals. The award recipients are decided solely by the coaching staff of the individual teams.

The awards that have been awarded in the past are listed below. The plaques are above the trophy cabinet.

Men's and Women's Volleyball

  • Most Improved
  • Most Valuable
  • Leadership

Boys' and Girls' Volleyball

  • Rookie
  • Most Improved
  • Leadership

Men's Basketball

  • Leadership
  • Most Defensive
  • Most Valuable

Women's Basketball

  • Coaches Award
  • Most Improved
  • Most Valuable
  • Most Defensive

Boys' and Girls' Basketball

  • Leadership
  • Most Improved
  • Most Defensive